Well, here we are again – moving the clocks forward this time around. I can deal with the loss of an hour on the weekend, but inevitably, I miss one of the clocks at our house. Usually it’s the one on the microwave. Maybe, just maybe, California will get to leave them alone all year long. Arizona does it, why not us?
Up front, I want to take a moment to remember and recognize one of the pioneers of CRCEA. Many years back I met a gentleman by the name of Wes Hall from Stanislaus County, who was a driving force in the formation of CRCEA as well as the backbone of Retired Employees of Stanislaus County (RESCO). A true gentleman with a quiet demeanor while making his point. Wes passed on to the organization above us, reuniting with Dorothy Leuking, George Shoemaker, Bill de la Garza, Bill Kirkwood, and all the other retirees who have reunited after leaving this world. I can only hope that we have made them proud of the organization they worked so hard on to represent county retirees.
As you read this newsletter, we will be zeroing in on the April meeting of the delegates of CRCEA. Due to circumstances, this meeting will be a Business Session only and will be held utilizing the electronic Zoom format. There will be some very important reports made and the necessity for some important discussion and decision making by the delegates. So, mark your calendar for April 24th at 9:00 am.
After the April meeting, the next gathering of delegates will be in early November in Contra Costa County (Walnut Creek), which will be an election cycle for the CRCEA President and Treasurer. I am encouraging any and all who might have interest in continuing to move this organization ahead to consider becoming a CRCEA officer. There are many of you with the experience and knowledge that could step into a position of leadership and do a terrific job. How about some of the younger people? We need to bring in our younger retirees. They are the future of our organizations and bring in the thoughts and ideas of the recent retirees and those following behind them. Give it some serious thought. Many of us are marching along on that longevity road and somewhere in the future will be joining that other group of CRCEA leaders I mentioned earlier in this message.
As a final note, the Executive Committee was advised by Vice-President Doug Fletcher that he was resigning from his position with CRCEA. Doug has a number of things going on in his personal life and he stated, “I am unable to put in the time to be effective in my roll”. He also stated, “I have had to leave meetings early and have not contributed to the objectives of the board.” Doug needs to be thanked for stepping up when he did to assist with CRCEA, and he is also to be commended for his personal decision to step away based on his recognition of personal requirements. His service is appreciated.
As always, members of the Executive Committee are committed to working with local associations to discuss CRCEA. If anyone wants a visit to talk about CRCEA to let your board and/or membership know more, please let us know and we will try to accommodate.
Until next time………
Skip Murphy, President